Saturday 31 January 2009

Sunday 25 January 2009


Hmmm... I must say that I'm not interested in politics... But I wanted Obama to win. I can't exactly say why. He seems to be a guy who really wants to change something. The 1st most visible change is that he's the 1st Afro-American president in a historic triumph that overcame racial barriers that has existed in America for long. Will he keep his promisses? We will see... Time will tell...

Sunday 18 January 2009

nice kitty

"Who wants to stroke me?" :)))

Sunday 11 January 2009

My teaching experience

I must admit that I've come to the college out of general interest in English (really;D). In the high school English became my real passion. I think it was because of my English teacher. She was a really great and demanding person and, in my case, the motivating factor thanks to which I was learning so hard.

When I was a child I wanted to be a shop assistant or a teacher. After some time, however, those "dreams" disappeared. I haven't come to the college with a clear plan of becoming a teacher of English. It don't remember it was my intention to become one. Now I think that something has changed. I perceive myself as a teacher.

My first lesson ever...hmmm...I survived;)

My very first lesson took place in the high school in Drezdenko. It was in September.
It was the first grade so the majority of students have just started learning English. There were 15 students in this group. They were mostly well-disciplined and willing to work. There were quite many active students who were not afraid of sharing their opinions with other students. Generally, the atmosphere during the lesson with this class was very friendly.

It was the first real lesson I took. At the beginning I was extremely stressed but then, after some time, it was OK. Students' positive attitude helped me somehow. I was doing my best.

I've taken 39 classes so far. Practice makes perfect, as they say.

Being "on the other side" is not as bad as I thought it is;)

Saturday 3 January 2009

He's the best! ;)

I'm sure that you know him as Mr. Bean. It's only one of his faces. I'm not sure if you've ever seen his sketches. They are great! Just see them! I've chosen the best ones but there are more of them. Rowan Atkinson rules!;D

Fatal beatings

Welcome to Hell

Pink tights & plenty of props

The good loser

And now, from Nazareth, the amazing...

Friday 2 January 2009

great time - CHILDHOOD

That's little me - my 1st birthday :)

I'm sure that everyone agrees that childhood is a great time. You know... no worries, no work, no responsibility; only playing games and having fun. I must admit it was so long ago;(

I found at home some photos from my childhood. I become sentimental when I'm looking at them...

My uncle and little me...little plump me;)
I still adore this cake;D

With my father...

Some photos with my younger sister...

Where am I?:)
With my cousins... Now, majority of us is twenty-something.
The girl holding the baby has now her own one;)

Childhood memories...

Childhood is the great time when you believe that Santa exists. When you are older you have to buy presents on your own;D

I remember waiting for the first star. Without the first star there is no eating. Without eating there are no presents, it's obvious;) So we always noticed the first star.

I don't remember how long I believed that Santa exists but, of course, I believed. I remember that during one of our Christmas Eve suppers my parents said something like: 'Girls! Please go to the grandma's room and look for the Santa'. Our elder cousin Ania took us there. And we were looking through the window on the sky... no Santa!;( But when we came back to our parents they said: 'Ooooh look! Santa came and brought some presents'. When I think about this situation I notice how gullible we were;) I'm sure that at that time our cousin knew that Santa doesn't exist!:)

When it comes to presents... I don't remember me and my sister writing letters to Santa. Maybe it took place once or twice but I'm not sure. But, somehow, every year we got some presents;) Presents were the most important aspect of Christmas Eve supper... Every child waits for presents.

(Christmas Eve, 1994)

Both happy;)

I remember I was dreaming about this present;)

Getting presents from Santa is a great thing. Meeting Santa is a torture.
I give you the evidence!;D